Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I log in?
- How do I reset my password?
- How can I update my login details?
- How do I create my employee login?
- How do I create additional PayHero accounts?
- What do I need to know about PayHero free trials?
- How do I change the dates on a pay?
- How do I pay my employees?
- What are Work Days?
- What is the difference between sending a pay, resending a pay, and marking a pay as sent?
- How do I edit my employee's salary hours?
- Why have I received a late filing notice from IRD?
- Why is the tax on an employee's pay different to normal?
- Why do time and leave entries show as Paid?
- Who receives leave and expense requests?
- Why is there a Holidays Already Paid pay line?
- I haven't taken any annual leave, so why has my leave balance changed?
- How do I increase my employee's Annual Leave entitlement?
- How do I add a Team Manager who doesn't have an employee profile?
- Can I access multiple PayHero accounts with one login?
- How do I transfer employees from one PayHero account to another?
- How can I add a Workride deduction to my employee's pay?
- How do I create a Demo Account?
- How do I convert from MYOB Payroll?
- How do I convert from ACE Payroll?
- When do I need to load historic pay data?
- Troubleshooting Cache Issues
- COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions