PayHero has a number of formatted PDF reports available to download throughout the system. Click the name of a report below for full details of what each report includes.
In addition to the PDF reports, you can build fully customised reports which can be saved in PayHero and downloaded to spreadsheets through the Insights tab. You can learn more about building custom reports here: Insights Reports.
Pay Reports
These reports provide additional detail about pays that have been created in PayHero. Click the title of a report below to learn more about what details are included in the report, and where in PayHero you can download it.
Employee Pay Details - A detailed pay report showing all pay lines for each employee in the chosen pay period. This report is grouped by the employee's primary Team.
Pay Summary - A pay summary report showing a single line of totals (per type of pay line) for each employee. This report is grouped by the employee's primary Team.
Bank Payment Summary - Details of all payments arising from the pay.
Public Holiday Audit - A detailed report of how PayHero has processed your employee payments for any public holidays falling within the pay period.
Employee Reports
These reports provide additional detail about employees and their leave or payment history. Click the title of a report below to learn more about what details are included in the report, and where in PayHero you can download it.
Earnings Summary - A summary of earnings for all employees for a selected period. This report is grouped by Team.
Employee Earnings Summary - A summary of earnings for one employee for a selected period.
Holiday Leave History - A history of all changes made to an employee's annual leave and holiday pay balances, from both manual edits and sending pays.
Leave Liability - Report on the current or historic liability to your business of any outstanding leave balances.
Other Leave History - A history of all changes made to an employee's sick, alternative, and time bank balances, from both manual edits and sending pays.
Other Reports
Tax Summary - A report of tax obligations for the selected tax period, broken down by both pay and by employee.
Time Summary - A summary of time worked within a certain week.
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