After Processing a Pay Run, the next step is making payment. There are five different options for paying your employees through PayHero.
Direct Debit
Paying via Direct Debit provides a fast and convenient way to pay your staff - payments can be made directly to your employees, IRD and any other payees via an automated direct debit process.
You can select this payment option by navigating to Manage > Settings > Payroll Settings and clicking the Direct Debit option.
For further information on setting up and using Direct Debit payments, see the following support article: Pay Now via Direct Debit
Bank Transfer
The Bank Transfer payment method allows you to make a single direct payment to us (FlexiTime Limited) via your online banking. Once the payment has cleared, we'll then make payment to your employees and IRD the following day or on your pay date, if that's later.
You can select this payment option by navigating to Manage > Settings > Payroll Settings and clicking the Bank Transfer option.
Bank Transfers made to us (FlexiTime Limited) will contain all payments to your employees, IRD and any other third-party payments present in the pay, which we will forward on as appropriate. Provided your payment clears into our account on the same day, your employees will be paid the following business day.
For more information on Bank Transfers, see our support article: Pay Now via Bank Transfer
POLi allows you to process the payment for your pays directly from your bank account, in a pop-up window within PayHero.
You can select this payment option by navigating to Manage > Settings > Payroll Settings and clicking the POLi option.
Payments made via POLi incur a $5 per pay convenience fee, and have a $30,000 per pay transaction limit.
For more information on setting up and using POLi, see our support article: Pay Now via POLi
Akahu allows you to process the payment for your pays directly from your bank account, in a pop-up window within PayHero.
You can select this payment option by navigating to Manage > Settings > Payroll Settings and clicking the Akahu option.
Akahu is free to use, but only available on our Super and Universe plans.
For more information on setting up and using Akahu, see our support article: Making Payments with Akahu
Bank Batch File
You can select this payment option by navigating to Manage > Settings > Payroll Settings and clicking the Bank Batch File option.
Once you've sent the pay, a bank file containing all the payment transaction information for paying your employees, IRD, and any other payees will download to your device. This file contains employees’ direct credit information and should be uploaded to your (i.e. the employer’s) online banking to complete payment.
The file will download in a format compatible with your online banking provider's requirements. This is based on the bank account number entered in Manage > Settings > Company, provided you bank with one of our Supported Banks.
You can also download bank files at any time from the Payroll > Sent tab. Select the pay/s you want to download, open the menu from the right and click Download Bank Batch File.
For more information, you can refer to our support article: Making Payments with Bank Batch Files
Manual Payments
Finally, you can also process a pay manually, with whatever approach you'd prefer.
Downloading a copy of the Bank Payment Summary Report will give you a record of each recipient, their bank account, any references, and the amount of the payment. This report can be downloaded by navigating to Payroll > Sent, ticking the pay you're interested in, and selecting Reports > Bank Payment Summary from the button in the top right.
If you're paying the IRD manually as well, you can easily track PAYE amounts owing through PayHero's Tax tab. Our support article here: Unpaid Tax covers how you can set this up.
When making payments manually, it's best to set your payment method in PayHero to 'Bank Batch File' but don't enter your bank account number.
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