You can manage your company settings under Manage > Settings > Company. Update the company details to accurately represent your organisation.
Company Name - The name of your company. This will display on PayHero payslips. This field is required for successful IRD filing.
Company Address - The physical or postal address for your company. When entering a physical address, you can start typing and then use the automated address picker to select the correct address.
Company IRD Number - The IRD Number for your company. This field is required for successful IRD filing.
Contact Name, Email & Phone - The contact details for the primary contact for this account. This can be different to your billing email, which is managed by the account owner, as seen here: Managing payment details
Provincial Anniversary - The provincial anniversary observed by your company. You can set this to a custom date by selecting 'Different to observed date'.
Industry - A drop-down list to select the industry your company operates in.
NZBN Number - Your company's NZBN Number, per the NZ Companies Register.
Automate Public Holidays - If this field is ticked, PayHero automatically pays employees for public holidays based on their employment settings and whether they work on the public holiday. More info here: Public Holidays
Require Two Factor Authentication - If this field is ticked, all users with access to your company will be required to use two factor authentication when signing in. Learn more here: Two Factor Authentication.
Logo - The company logo which will appear throughout PayHero and on your employee payslips.
Click the trash can to delete the default PayHero logo, so that you can upload your own. It's a good idea to use a good quality image.
Click the pencil if you wish to edit the cropping of your logo.
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