To view or edit the employment details of an existing employee, go to People > Employees. Select an employee's name from the list and navigate to their Employment tab.
The employment tab contains a number of sections grouping different types of employment information. Learn more about each section below.
Employment Basis - Will display their current employment status of either Employee or Contractor. If you need to change an employee's status, you'll need to finish their employment then start new employment as seen here: Reinstating or Restarting an Employee
Start Date - The date the employee began their employment with you. Change the date by typing directly into the field, or select a new date through the calendar button to the right.
Finish Employment - Select this button to set a Finish date on the employee. See Finishing an Employee for a guide on finishing employment of an employee.
Primary Team - The employee's current Primary Team. Selecting the drop-down list will display a list of teams the employee is a team member of. Choose a different team from the list to designate it as their Primary Team. If you need to add or remove the employee from Teams, head to the People > Teams tab instead. Learn more here: Teams
Payment Basis - Select either Salary or Hourly to reflect how the employee will be paid.
Annual Salary/Normal Rate - This field will change depending on the selected Payment Basis. Enter either the total Annual Salary or the employee's Normal Hourly Rate as needed. If Hourly Rate is used, you can also add a Second Rate or Third Rate for employees with multiple pay rates.
Pay Cycle - Select the Pay Cycle you want the employee to be included in.
Payslip Type - Select the Payslip Type to be used for the employee.
Bank Account - Enter the bank account number the employee's pay should be paid to. For multiple bank accounts, see here: Payments and Deductions to Multiple Bank Accounts.
Tax Code - An employee's Tax Code should be declared to you via an IR330. If one has not been declared, use ND.
Special Deduction Rate - Employees on a Student Loan tax type have a Special Deduction Rate checkbox in the Tax section. Tick the checkbox to unlock the percentage field, then specify the deduction rate, if appropriate.
IRD Number - Enter the employee's valid IRD Number. This is required for PayHero to generate IRD filings.
ESCT Rate - To change the currently chosen ESCT Rate (Employer Superannuation Contribution Tax), select one through the drop-down. See our support article for more details here: ESCT.
Work Pattern
Setting your employee's Work Pattern is important for determining leave entitlements and payment for public holidays (if you have Automate Public Holidays selected under Manage > Settings > Company). You can learn more about how this will affect your employee's entitlements here: Employee Work Pattern.
The options for work patterns are as follows:
Regular Week - Select this if your employee works a relatively constant pattern of days each week. Enter the pattern of hours on the relevant days of the week.
Regular Hours and Days - Select this if your employee works fixed Hours per Day and Days per Week, but not necessarily the exact same days each week.
No Regular Hours - Select this if your employee only has an expected number of days per week. Enter your employee's total normal days per week.
No Regular Days - Select this if your employee only has an expected total hours per week. Enter your employee's total normal hours per week.
No Regular Week - Use this for an employee who works completely different hours and days each week. PayHero will instead use the company's review period for leave and public holiday calculations. To learn more, see Otherwise Working Days for a full explanation.
If your employee is enrolling in KiwiSaver, enter their Enrolment Date here. If they have opted out, enter their Opt Out Date.
Alternatively, tick Pre-Existing Member if the employee was already enrolled in KiwiSaver with a previous employer.
Select an Employee Deduction Rate from the dropdown menu - this should be declared to you by the employee.
The Employer Contribution Rate will be set automatically based on the company default set under Manage > Settings > Payroll Settings. If you wish to override the default rate for a single employee, you can click the padlock icon to unlock this for editing.
Tick Savings Suspension to suspend the employee’s KiwiSaver Savings - this can only be done if the employee has been a member for a year. Untick the box when the employee is ready to resume their savings. You can learn more about savings suspensions here: Savings Suspension Process.
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