Timesheets in PayHero provide important information for your payroll processing. They're used to record the hours and days worked by hourly rate employees, so their pay can be calculated correctly. Timesheets are also important for recording the days worked for employees on variable work patterns, both for calculating annual leave entitlements and for determining Otherwise Working Days.
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Entering Time for Users
PayHero provides a range of options for recording time which vary depending on the type of access a user has in PayHero - learn more below.
If you've invited your employees into your PayHero account, they'll be able to record their time using the Mobile App or Employee Portal.
Learn more about entering time as an employee here: Timesheets for Employees
Team Managers
Team Managers can view, enter, edit, and (optionally) approve their team members' time entries.
Learn more about managing and entering time as a team manager here: Timesheets for Managers
Administrators can enter, edit and (optionally) approve time entries for all employees, including team managers. Pay Cycle Admins can view, enter, edit, and (optionally) approve time entries for employees in their allocated pay cycles. Learn more about managing and entering time as an administrator here:
Time Capture Options
In addition to manually entering time in PayHero, it's possible to capture time via our time clock or import time from other time capture systems.
Shift Photo Timeclock
PayHero Shift automates the recording of timesheet entries for your employees, allowing them to quickly and easily clock in and out, as well as record their unpaid breaks. Shift is fully integrated with PayHero, so time entries will flow through as employees clock out for the day.
Learn more about PayHero Shift here: PayHero Shift
Location Tracking
With PayHero's Mobile App you're able to record the clock-in and clock-out locations of employees. When an employee clocks in or out using the mobile app start/stop clock, PayHero will record the nearest street name using GPS location data. If you're using custom locations and the clock in/out occurs within 50 metres of the specified address, the custom location name will be shown instead.
Learn more about location tracking here: Clock Locations
Droppah Rostering Integration
Droppah includes a photo timeclock app which allows your employees to clock in and out of their rostered shifts. Time entries are automatically sent to PayHero when they are approved by the Droppah manager.
Learn more about Droppah here: Rostering with Droppah
Timesheet Imports
Time entries can be imported directly into PayHero from a .csv file. This enables the quick and easy bulk entry of time and for time recorded via external systems to be loaded into PayHero for an upcoming pay run.
Learn more about importing time entries here: Timesheet Imports
Additional Timesheet Settings & Options
In addition to the many ways you can enter time into PayHero, there are a number of additional settings you can apply to ensure your time recording meets all your business needs.
Time Approval
Timesheet Approval is an optional feature for companies that require timesheets to be approved by either a Team Manager or an Admin user.
Learn more about approving time entries here: Timesheet Approval
Piecemeal Rates
Time entries most commonly hours-based, where the employee is paid an hourly rate for their hours worked. PayHero also provides the option to enter units-based, or piecemeal work, where the employee will be paid for the number of 'units' worked.
Learn more about piecemeal work here: Piecemeal Work
Every time entry includes Work, which defines what the employee is doing. PayHero includes 'Default Work', and you can create additional Work if you'd like to keep track of labour costs for different tasks.
Learn more about setting up Work here: Work
Pay Items
Work is linked to a Pay Item, which defines how the employee will be paid for the time entry, for time recorded on public holidays, and for expense claims. PayHero includes 'Ordinary Time', which will pay the timesheet hours at the employee's normal hourly rate.. You can create custom pay items as needed.
Learn more about setting up Pay Items here: Pay Items
Frequently Asked Questions
The best way to track time spent on different tasks is to create Work for each task. Employees will be prompted to select the Work for each time entry they create.
An Insights report using the Time table will show the times worked for each task. The 'Time Worked' section here shows an example of the report settings.
The Pay Item linked to the time entry's Work is used to set the pay rate for this time. Time entries can be paid using the employee's normal hourly rate, their second or third rate, or a fixed rate. You can also define a multiplier for the employee's hourly rate. For example, if the employee is usually paid their second rate for a particular task, you may need to add a pay item to multiply the second rate by 1.5 for time worked on this task on a public holiday.
Learn more about earnings pay items here: Pay Items - Earnings
Time entries and Leave Requests are marked as Paid when they are included in a pay, even if the pay is manually adjusted.
If the employee needs to be paid using a One Off Pay outside the regular pay cycle, it is important to set the pay period of the one off pay to a period which has already been paid, to avoid marking any currently unpaid time entries as Paid.
The payroll administrator can make amendments to time entries in a draft pay by first removing the employee from the draft pay to 'unlock' the time entries. Once the changes have been made, the employee can be added back into the draft pay.
The pay rate is saved on the time entry at the time it is created, using the Pay Item linked to the Work. If the pay item is changed after the time entry is created, you can update the unpaid time entries to use the new rate by editing the entry and changing the Work, then change it back to the required value. If the employee is currently in a draft pay, you can 'unlock' the time entry by removing the employee from the pay.
Salaried employees in PayHero will automatically be paid their normal salary amount in each pay, so as a rule they don't need to record timesheets. However, there are some circumstances where you may need or want to have salary hours recorded.
Whether you have a salaried employee who is paid overtime, or you're simply looking for more accurate record keeping or reporting, you'll need to make sure your setup is suited to the purpose.
Learn more about time entry options for salaried employees here: Recording Time for Salaried Employees
Public Holidays are paid based on whether this day is an Otherwise Working Day for the employee, and whether the employee worked on that day or not.
If the employee did not work on the public holiday, make sure they haven't recorded a time entry on that day.
If the employee worked on the public holiday, they'll be paid using the Public Holiday Pay Item on their time entry's Work.
Learn more about public holiday processing here: Public Holidays
The Time Summary Report shows all time entries in the selected week, including start and end times, GPS locations, and any Notes entered on the time entry.
PayHero also includes Insights Reports which let you create your own custom reports, and export the results to a .csv file. Time entries can be reported on by creating a report using the Time table, filtered as required. The 'Time Worked' section here shows an example of this type of report.
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