Workride are offering the first-ever ride-to-work tax benefit scheme in New Zealand. They use an effective pre-tax salary sacrifice mechanism to enable employees to use FBT exemptions to get bikes and scooters tax-free, which follows a precedent of very successful international schemes.
If your organisation has joined Workride's ride-to-work scheme, you'll need to start making deductions when employees take up the offer. Getting that sorted in PayHero requires just a few simple steps:
- Contact to have the Ride-to-Work Pre-Tax Deduction set up in your PayHero account. Important: The PayHero team needs to apply custom background settings to ensure the deduction is processed correctly, so don't try to DIY this step!
- Once our team give the go-ahead, you can add the Ride-to-Work Pre-Tax Deduction to the employee's Default Pay tab and:
a) specify the amount to be deducted each pay as a negative value
b) enter the total value to be deducted
c) tick the 'Reduce balance' option - The deduction amount will be applied to each pay going forward, and will automatically cease when the full balance is recouped.
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