In some cases, you may need to make some last-minute additions or changes to an employee's draft pay before you send the pay. You can learn more below, or if you need to make changes to a sent pay, see our Fixing a Mistake in a Sent Pay article instead.
This article contains the following sections:
Viewing & Managing Employee Pays
To view and edit an employee's pay, click their name from the Payroll > Draft tab.
The options menu within an employee's pay provides a number of additional actions you can perform:
Download Payslip - Downloads a PDF copy of the payslip.
Email Payslip - Emails a copy of the payslip to the employee.
Add Payslip Note - Add a note to the payslip, which will be visible to the employee. You can also scroll to the bottom of the payslip to add a note.
Set as Final Pay - Use this option if this is the Final Pay for the employee. This will automatically pay out the employee's leave entitlements.
Hide Unused Pay Types - This will hide any sections that don't contain pay details, to reduce the amount of information you see on the page. This doesn't have any effect on the payslip the employee receives.
Remove from Pay - Remove the employee from the pay. You can add them back into the pay from the main Draft pay screen.
Making Corrections
If the information that's automatically loaded into the pay for an employee is incorrect, it's best to correct the source of the information. To do this, you'll first need to remove the affected employee from the draft pay:
Alternatively, if all employees are affected, you can delete the draft pay altogether:
Next, make any changes necessary to fix the issue. For example:
- If they've recorded timesheets and the total hours are incorrect, edit the time.
- If any leave dates were incorrect or missing, add or edit the Leave Requests.
- If an expense was missing or incorrect, add or edit the Expenses.
- If the employee's basic settings (hourly rate, bank account, etc) were incorrect, update their details under People > Employees.
Once the changes have been made, simply add the employee back into the draft pay (or recreate the pay, if you deleted it):
Their pay details should now reflect the new changes you've made, and you can proceed with Processing the Pay Run.
Manual Adjustments
If you'd prefer to make manual changes directly in the draft pay instead, PayHero allows you to add, remove, and edit pay details as needed.
Note that any changes you make to an employee's draft pay may prompt a warning about the employee's Work Days. Make sure the number of days specified still accurately reflects the total number of days the employee is being paid for (including paid leave). You can learn more about Work Days here: What are Work Days?
Click the buttons below to learn more about the types of adjustments you can make to an employee's draft pay.
To add extra pay lines to the draft pay, simply click the green plus icon below the type of pay item you'd like to add, and select the appropriate pay item from the list:
If you're wanting to add a custom pay item that doesn't appear in the list, you can learn how to create new pay items here: Pay Items.
If you're adding leave pay lines, learn more about the settings you'll need to apply here: Processing Leave.
If a pay line has been added to the employee's pay that you don't wish to include, you can simply click the x to remove it:
Important: When you remove a pay line from the draft pay, the time entry, expense, or leave request which generated the pay line is still considered "paid", and won't be pulled into any other pays you create for this employee. As a result, you should only ever manually remove pay lines that you don't wish to pay to the employee at all.
In many cases, it can be better to understand why the pay line has appeared in the pay and correct the source of the information, rather than manually removing it from the pay. This would require that you follow the steps in the Making Corrections section above (remove the employee from the pay, and fix up the timesheet, leave request, expense request, or employee setting which generated the pay line).
If this line is appearing every pay, it can be a good idea to check the Employee's Default Pay tab and remove the default pay line if it's no longer required.
If a pay line has been added to the employee's draft pay and you need to change the quantity or rate, simply click into the field you wish to change, and type your amendments:
When editing pay lines, make sure you consider whether any other details also require editing, and check that the Work Days at the top of the pay still reflect the total days the employee is being paid for.
A blue dot will appear on any pay lines which have been added or edited and have unsaved changes:
After you've finished making the required changes, click to save and view your changes, or
to save and exit to the draft pay tab. Either option will recalculate any details that are affected by your change, such as Tax, KiwiSaver or Student Loans.
Frequently Asked Questions
Pay details are populated at the time you create the pay. This means that any changes you make to an employee's timesheets or employment details won't be automatically included in the pay if it's already open.
To update the employee's pay details, you'll simply need to remove them from the draft pay and add them back in (see Making Corrections above to see how).
There are a number of reasons an employee's timesheet hours might not flow through to a draft pay:
- The timesheets may have been entered after the draft pay was already created. To correct this, remove the employee from the draft pay and add them back in (see Making Corrections above to see how).
- If your company uses Timesheet Approvals, the time may not have been approved before you created the pay. You'll see a warning on the employee's pay if this is the case. Once the time is approved, remove the employee from the draft pay and add them back in (see Making Corrections above to see how).
- The pay period may not match the time entries. Check that the dates on the pay match up to the period you're trying to make payment for.
- The employee may be on a salary, in which case normal timesheet entries will not affect their pay. If you want to record hours that do affect a salaried employee's pay, learn more here: Recording Time for Salaried Employees
By default, the salary pay line is calculated automatically and is locked for editing. However, you can manually intervene where needed. Learn more here: How do I edit my employee's salary hours?
If the annual salary amount itself is incorrect, you'll need to edit that in the Employee's Employment Details. Once you've made that change, remove the employee from the draft pay and re-add them for the change to take effect (see Making Corrections above to see how)
Any manual changes you make to an employee's draft pay may prompt a warning about the employee's Work Days:
Make sure the number of days specified still accurately reflects the total number of days the employee is being paid for (including paid leave). You can learn more about Work Days here: What are Work Days?
Tax calculations in PayHero are automatic and should perfectly align with IRD's tax specifications. If the tax in a pay doesn't appear correct, check out our article: Why is the tax on an employee's pay different to normal?
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