The green 'Paid' flag lets you know that leave and time entries have been pulled through into either an active Draft Pay, or a previously Sent Pay.
Time and leave entries which have been added after a Draft Pay for that period has been created will not flow through to the pay, and will not be marked as Paid.
Conversely, entries which were included in the Draft Pay will still be marked as Paid even if the pay line is deleted from the Draft Pay.
Editing time and leave entries
How do I edit Paid time entries?
Time entries remain adjustable up until the point they are included in a Draft Pay. From that point, they will be marked as Paid. 'Paid' time entries are locked, and can't be edited or deleted.
To unlock a Paid time entry, you need to remove the employee(s) from the Draft or Sent pay that covers the relevant time period. Sent pays will first have to be reversed to Draft, as shown in our support article Fixing a Mistake in a Sent Pay.
The associated Paid time entries will then 'unlock', allowing you to make any required changes. You can then re-add the employee to the pay.
How do I edit Paid leave entries?
Leave will be marked as Paid even if only part of the request has been included in a pay. In these cases, the End Date of the leave request can be still be altered. The earliest an End Date can be adjusted to is the last day of any pays it has been included in.
If you wish to edit the End Date to be earlier, or make any other adjustments to the request, the employee will first have to be removed from the Pay as outlined above. You will then be able to navigate to the Leave calendar and make adjustments.
If you wish to change the Start Date or leave type, you can do so by simply clicking into the request in the Leave tab.
Capturing unpaid time and leave entries
Time and Leave entries recorded after a pay has been created will not be pulled into the current pay, or any subsequent pay. They will also not be marked as Paid. There are two options for capturing these entries.
The first is to remove the employee from the pay and add them back into it. When re-added to the Draft, all entries, including those which were previously not marked as Paid, will be pulled into the pay. This approach is best used when the additional entries have been added while the pay is still in the Draft stage. If you wish to take this approach for a Sent pay, you would need to reverse the pay for that period to Draft (Fixing a Mistake in a Sent Pay) first.
Alternatively, a One Off Pay covering the pay period in which the entry/entries fall will automatically include any unpaid time entries or leave requests for those employees that fall within that specified pay period. Ensuring the Start and End date of the One Off Pay match the original pay dates will ensure the employee is taxed correctly. This approach is best when the original pay has already been Sent and paid.
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