Pays in PayHero are all generated through the use of pay items. These are the basis of any Earnings, Deductions, Reimbursements, Superannuation contributions and Payments that could apply to an employee's pay run. Each line in the pay is associated with a pay item, and the pay item settings define how the pay line will be processed.
You can view, edit and create new pay items from the Manage > Pay Items tab.
A number of default pay items come included with your PayHero Company. Those with a padlock next to their name are permanent and cannot be edited or deleted. Any other pay items without a padlock can be edited or archived as needed.
Some of the permanent pay items will be allocated to your employees automatically, based on settings in their Employment Details such as KiwiSaver.
The following are five available types of pay items in PayHero, each with a different use.
There are four main Earnings pay item categories in PayHero; Regular, Other, Bonus, and Discretionary. These represent payments made to the employee that are categorised as either a Gross Earning or a Taxable Allowance.
Learn more in our Pay Items - Earnings support article.
Reimbursement pay items can be used to compensate employees for employment-related expenses without incurring tax.
Learn more in our Pay Items - Reimbursements support article.
Deduction pay items will trigger a reduction of the employee's total post-tax take home pay. Deductions can occur for reasons including Student Loan Repayments, KiwiSaver, Child Support, IRD Arrears, Court Fines or repaying a debt owed to the employer or a third party.
Learn more in our Pay Items - Deductions support article.
Superannuation pay items represent contributions into a superannuation fund. PayHero includes KiwiSaver Employer Contribution as a default but you can create custom contributions as necessary.
Learn more in our Pay Items - Superannuation support article.
Payments items allocate pay to different payment channels. These could be direct debit, cash or directly into a third party bank account.
Learn more in our Pay Item - Payments support article.
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