Teams enable you to organise your staff, track business costs and manage your payroll. Some reasons you might use teams in PayHero are to:
- Group your employees by different departments or store locations for reporting.
- Assign separate provincial anniversaries for employees in different locations.
- Allocate separate Account Codes or Xero Tracking Categories for payroll costs.
- Nominate Team Managers who can manage time, leave requests, and expense requests for their teams.
- Use teams in conjunction with PayHero Shift to record accurate, to-the-minute, employee time entries.
- Restrict which Work employees can record time against, or limit employee time access completely, so you can be sure time is entered by the appropriate people and against the correct work.
Creating a Team
To begin using teams, go to People > Teams and select the button to create a team. Depending on the number of teams you have and the plan your account is on, teams may incur additional fees, which will be noted in the bottom right of the Teams tab.
Once a team has been created, you can apply the basic settings for the Team:
Team Name - A unique name to identify the team.
Default Work - The default work option that team members' time entries will be recorded against.
Provincial Anniversary - If the team has a different provincial anniversary than the company default, you can select the appropriate anniversary.
Xero Tracking Category - If you've setup Team tracking in your Xero Settings you'll also have a dropdown field available where you can set the appropriate category for this team.
Account Code - The account code that should apply to wage costs for any employees with the team set as their Primary Team. This setting will only apply for pay items which have the 'Use Team Account Code' setting applied under Pay Item Accounts, or Xero Settings for Xero connected accounts.
You'll now be ready to start adding employees and additional work to your team.
Adding & Managing Employees
To add employees to a team, click the button in the bottom left and select their name from the list. You can select multiple employees at a time, search for specific employees by using the Search Employees field at the top of the list, or choose Select All to select all employees at once.
Click the Add Selected Employees button once you've selected everyone you wish to add to the team.
Once you've added some employees they'll appear under the Team Members tab for that team.
A star icon will indicate any employees who have this team set as their Primary Team. By default, this will be the first team you add them to, although this can be changed on the Employment tab for any employees who have already been added to two or more teams.
You'll also see the user icon for any employees who have been invited to use PayHero. Learn more here: Inviting Employees to use PayHero
The following options can be used to manage your team members' access to PayHero as required:
Manager - selecting the Manager checkbox next to an employee's name will give that employee manager level user access to PayHero. Learn more about manager access here: team managers
Hide Time - Using this checkbox on an employee will hide the Time tab when the employee logs in via the employee portal or mobile app. This prevents the employee from recording any time themselves in PayHero, unless it's by clocking into Droppah's time clock. You can learn more about Droppah here.
If the employee is in multiple teams, but only has Hide Time ticked in some, they can still view the Time tab when they log in. However, they can only record or edit time entries for Work that is set on their team(s) where the employee doesn't have Hide Time ticked.
Override Default Work - Selecting this checkbox will allow you to set a Default Work (from Work added to the team) for this employee, which differs from the Default Work for the team. This new Default Work will now be used when the employee clocks in with Shift, and will be the default if the employee records time in the Portal or the mobile app (though it can be overridden when manually recording time).
Adding Work
Employees can only record time against Work which is included in their Team(s). To start adding more work to your team, first navigate to the Work tab within the team, found alongside Team Members.
To add work options, click the button in the bottom left and select the name from the list. You can search for work using the Search field at the top of the list, select multiple work options, or choose Select All. Click Add Selected Work when you've selected the work options you wish to add.
To remove work from a team, select the X on the far right of the work line.
If an Admin records time for an employee using a Work type not assigned to the employee's Team(s), and the employee has Portal access, they can still view the entry. However, there will be a padlock icon, and the employee will not be able to edit or delete the time.
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