This article covers managing time as a manager or admin via the Timesheets tab in PayHero. For information on entering time as an employee, see our article: Timesheets for Employees
In the Timesheets screen under Time > Timesheets, you’re able to quickly and easily record total hours for each day of the week on behalf of your employees.
There are a few ways to enter time for your employees from this screen, which you can learn more about below:
- Bulk time entry, typing hours into the available cells
- The ability to copy prior weeks' time
- Import timesheets from CSV
- Detailed entry options when viewing an individual employee
For reviewing time and leave that's already been entered, the Time Summary tab may be better suited.
Bulk Time Entry
For a simple total hours per day entry, type the number of hours straight into the fields available on the Timesheets screen.
Time will always display in hh:mm format (e.g. 07:30 for 7 and a half hours), but you can enter time in decimals (e.g. 7.5) if preferred.
If you want to delete time entries from the Timesheets screen simply type 0 in the field for that day.
By default, each employee will be displayed with their Default Work showing, as well as any additional work that has been added. To add different work for an employee, use the green icon.
Copy Previous Week
Another simple time entry option is to copy the time entries from the previous week. Expand the menu on the right hand side and select Copy Previous Week.
You'll be prompted to select which employees you'd like to copy time for.
Any employees who had time loaded in the previous week will have their hours brought into the current week. If any time entries already exist in the current week, any time which would overlap will not be copied.
Import Time
Under the menu button in the top right, administrators will find the option to import timesheets:
This allows you to load time into PayHero from an appropriately formatted CSV file.
You can find more information on importing time to PayHero here: Timesheet Imports
Detailed Time Entry
Click on an employee's name from either the Summary or Timesheets tab for detailed time entry. Use the green add icon to add entries one at a time.
You can also click and drag directly on the calendar to enter time.
You'll then be able to specify the hours worked, break duration, work and add any notes.
You can also click on an existing entry to edit or delete it.
Note that you may not be able to edit a time entry if it's already been approved or paid. You can learn more on unapproving time, if needed, here: Timesheet Approval, or how to manage time that's already in a pay here: Why do time and leave entries show as Paid?
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