This article covers how to manage expenses for your team members in the Team Expenses tab. For adding your own leave expenses in the My Expenses tab, see our article: Expenses for Employees
If you've been designated as a Manager of a Team in PayHero, then in addition to the standard Employee Portal features, you'll also have access to the Team Time, Team Expenses, and Team Leave tabs.
Check out the sections below to learn how to manage your team members' expense requests via email requests or in our apps, or to find the answers to commonly asked questions:
As a team manager, you'll receive email notifications when your team members request expenses. These requests can be actioned directly from the email, without needing to log in.
The information displayed in the email includes the employee's name, the expense amount requested, the Work the request has been made against, and the date.
Click View Request to open the request in a new browser tab with further details, including a description of the request and a copy of the receipt, if one was provided by the employee when entering the request.
Requests cannot be altered when approved from the email notification, so if there are details requiring adjustment, you'll need to log in to either the PayHero Portal or the Mobile App.
Click Approve or Decline to take either action. The following screen will display the request details along with confirmation of the action taken.
Employees aren't notified of expense responses, so if you need an employee to resubmit an expense for any reason, be sure to let them know.
Note that as a manager, expenses you request for yourself require approval from either your manager or an administrator.
Managing Expenses
In the Team Expenses tab you can view all of your team members' expenses for the selected month. Switch between months using the arrows either side of the currently selected month in the top left, or use the calendar icon to jump directly to a chosen month.
Expenses can be filtered at the top right, by either employee name or by the Work they have been requested against. Clicking on the button gives the option to display declined expenses.
Actioning a pending request
Expense requests that require actioning will show as Pending in the list.
Click into an expense to review additional information. You'll be able to edit a range of values, as well as view any attached photos of receipts.
Select Approve or Decline to take either action. Use the Cancel button or the X in the top right to exit out of the pop-up.
Requests that are approved will be included in the employee's next pay, regardless of whether or not the expense falls within that pay period.
Adding a new request
To create a new expense request, click the button and select the name of the team member from the list. If you've been designated as the manager of multiple teams, the list will show members of all teams you manage.
In the pop-up window that appears, specify the details of the request.
Employee - Who the request is being made for. Click the drop-down menu to change this if required.
Work - Click on the Work drop-down list to select different Work for the expense to be recorded against.
Date - Select a new date for the requested expense.
Amount - The requested expense amount can be adjusted as required.
Description - Add notes to describe the nature of the request.
Receipt - Click to attach a copy of a relevant expense receipt.
Click Approve to finalise the request, or the Cancel button or the X in the top right to exit out of the pop-up.
Team Selection
You can access the mobile app at via your preferred browser on your mobile phone. Learn more about accessing and using the mobile app (including managing your own expenses) here: Manager Mobile App, or get in touch with your payroll administrator if you have any questions about your access.
Open the navigation sidebar at the top left of the screen to display both the personal and team sections.
Tapping the double arrows in the Manage Teams section will take you to the Select Team screen, which is used as an app-wide filter to restrict which employees (or Team) will display as you navigate the Mobile App.
Managing Expense Requests
You can manage your team members' expense requests in the Team Expenses section. Requests will display for the selected month according to their status: Pending, Approved, or Declined. Tapping the arrows at the top of the screen changes the selected month.
Tap on a pending request in the list to view its details, or tap the in the bottom right to create a new request. If adding a new request, you'll be prompted to upload an expense receipt first, but this can be skipped via the Skip button in the top right.
Work - Tap on the Work drop-down list to select different Work for the expense to be recorded against.
Employee - If you're creating a new request, tap the drop-down menu to select which of your team members the request is for. If you're actioning a pending request that's been submitted by a team member, this field is locked.
Receipt Image - Tapping on the receipt will expand the image so all details can be viewed.
Tap on the camera icon to upload a new receipt image, or the X to remove the currently attached image.
Amount - The requested expense amount can be adjusted as required.
Date - Select a new date for the requested expense.
Notes - Add additional notes, or remove any existing notes.
Tapping the button will approve the request, and it will appear in the Approved list for the appropriate month.
Tapping the button will ask for confirmation to decline the request, and it will then appear in the Declined list for the appropriate month.
The FAQ below helps with some common troubleshooting, or you can reach out to your payroll administrator if you're stuck.
Can I change the email address for receiving expense requests?
Requests will always be sent to your Login Email. If desired, you can change your Login Email from the 'My Profile' page, as seen here: How can I update my login details?
Can I approve my own expense requests?
No, managers can't approve their own requests or timesheets. These will need to be approved by an administrator in-app, or by another user set as your manager in PayHero.
Why haven't I received an email notification for an expense request?
If you haven't received an emailed expense request for one of your team members, there are a few possible causes, which you can troubleshoot using the steps below.
- Ensure you're is looking at the same email account that is associated with your PayHero login details. This is the email address you log in with, and may differ from the email you receive their payslips to. You can double-check (or change) your login email via My Profile, as seen here: How can I update my login details?
- Check your Spam and Promotions folders
- Ensure you've been invited to use PayHero, and had completed the process for Accepting a PayHero Invite at the time the employee submitted their request.
- Have your administrator check that:
- You're correctly set as the Team Manager in PayHero, and this was set up prior to the employee originally submitting their request.
- The employee who has made the expense request is a member of your Team and was added to the Team before they originally submitted their request.
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