If you've been Invited to use PayHero, your administrator may have given you access to view and manage your timesheets. Get in touch with your payroll administrator if you have any questions about your access.
Check out the sections below to learn how to manage your expenses via PayHero's Employee Portal or Mobile App, or find the answers to commonly asked questions:
You can access the portal on a tablet or computer at portal.payhero.co.nz. Learn more about accessing and using the portal here: Employee Portal, or get in touch with your payroll administrator if you have any questions about your access.
The Expenses tab is where you can submit expenses you've incurred that your employer will repay you for. This tab may not be available if your company doesn't have expenses enabled.
To record an expense, click the button and select the related work.
Enter the details of the expense, including the option to upload a copy of the receipt. Receipts must be an image (such as PNG or JPG), and the maximum file size is 4MB.
Click Request, and the expense request will be sent to your employer. You can check the status of your expense requests under the Response column. Open the options menu by clicking the button on the right to see declined expenses.
Pending - Requests are awaiting approval by an administrator. You can edit a pending expense.
Approved - Requests will be processed in your next pay. You can't edit an expense once it has been approved.
Declined - Requests will not be paid.
You can access the mobile app at mobile.payhero.co.nz via your preferred browser on your mobile phone. Learn more about accessing and using the mobile app here: Employee Mobile App, or get in touch with your payroll administrator if you have any questions about your access.
The Expenses tab allows you to submit expenses that your employer will reimburse you for. This tab may not be available if your company doesn't have expenses enabled.
You can keep track of your historical expenses from the app. They'll be grouped by month, and sorted into pending, approved and declined expenses.
Pending - These submissions are awaiting approval by an administrator. You can edit a pending expense.
Approved - The approved requests will be processed in your next pay. You can't edit an expense once it has been approved.
Declined - The request will not be paid out.
Add Expense
To record an expense, tap the button on the My Expenses page.
PayHero will prompt you to select your camera or your phone's file navigator. If you need to take a photo of your receipt or other proof of purchase, select the camera and take a photo, then tap the tick button to confirm. If you have a copy of the receipt on your phone already, navigate to the file you wish to upload. Note that the maximum file size for receipts is 4MB.
If you aren't submitting a picture, just tap Skip in the top right.
Select the work the expense relates to, enter the amount, select the appropriate date, and add a description of the expense, e.g. Fuel.
Tap the button and then tap Save Expense to submit it.
The FAQ below helps with some common troubleshooting, or you can reach out to your payroll administrator if you're stuck.
Why can't I access the expenses tab?
The expenses tab will be hidden if your company doesn't have expenses enabled. Only the account owner can enable expenses if this is the case.
Why can't I add an expense?
The green button may not appear if your administrator hasn't set up expenses in your PayHero account, or hasn't added the expense type to your team. Check in with your admin to see whether you should be allowed to request expenses, and they can make the required changes if needed.
If an administrator has made recent changes to the expense set up, you may need to log out and back in again to see the change.
How can I edit an approved expense?
If you need to make changes to an expense request that's already been approved, you'll need to contact your payroll administrator to make that change for you.
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