You can download a PDF Report for a summary of time worked within a certain week.
To download a general Time Summary report, go to either the Time> Summary or Time> Timesheets section of PayHero. Navigate to the week you're interested in and select Reports > Time Summary from the button in the top right.
A PDF copy of the report will be downloaded to the default download location for your browser.
Any time shown in brackets shows the original clock-in or clock-out time for the employee The regular text shows the time entry after any manual edits/adjustment due to Strict Clock Times.
The columns to the far right of the report depict the Clock Locations. This will only be populated if the time was recorded through the Employee Mobile App.
You can also download a Time Summary report for an individual employee. Go to either Time> Summary or Time> Timesheets and click on an employee's name. Navigate to the week you're interested in and select Reports > Time Summary from the button in the top right.
A PDF copy of the report will be downloaded to the default download location for your browser.
'Location In' and 'Location Out' will show If the employee used the mobile app to clock in or out at a custom location. You can read more about setting up custom locations here: Clock Locations
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