Why can't I edit the salary amount in a pay?
The Salary line in an employee's pay is locked by default, and you can't click into it, as seen here:
The details shown will be the employee's total annual salary from their Employment tab, their normal hours per week from their Employee Work Pattern, and the calculated Total salary amount they're being paid in this pay.
The Total will be automatically reduced to account for any Leave Requests that have been included in the pay, or if the employee is starting or finishing employment part way through the pay period. As a result, you shouldn't need to edit the employee's Salary amount in most cases.
What if I do need to edit the salary amount?
In cases where you need to make manual changes within the pay, you'll need to start by adding a pay item to the pay which is designed to replace the salary. For example, if the employee is having unpaid time off, add the Unpaid Leave pay item to the pay.
PayHero will then recognise manual changes are being made and 'unlock' the salary pay line for you to adjust.
You will then be able to adjust both the Hours and Rate fields as required. Once the salary payment looks as you'd like, click 'Apply'.
You can then remove the line of Unpaid Leave (if you don't wish to leave it in the pay), and proceed with processing the pay as normal.
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