What's New
Account Codes by Team - Teams in PayHero are now able to have a designated 'Team Account Code'.
This enables users to select the 'Use Team Account Code' option for any pay items as required. Different Account Codes are now able to be applied against the same pay item depending on the associated employee, their 'Primary Team' and the designated 'Team Account Code'. For more details, please see our support article: Xero Settings and Pay Item Accounts.
Leave Liability Report by Team - The PayHero PDF Leave Liability Report will now be split out per Team with sub-total groups per Team.
Teams and Employee Primary Team - Employees will now have a star icon alongside their display name in the Manage > Team view to clearly distinguish if it's their designated 'Primary Team'.
Employee Share Schemes (ESS) - Employees who receive benefits in the form of an ESS can now have these benefits processed via PayHero and declared to Inland Revenue through Payday Filing. For more information, please see our Employee Share Scheme support article.
PayHero / Invoxy KiwiSaver and Salary Settings - Corrected an issue that would cause employees synced with Invoxy to have their Salary and KiwiSaver settings overridden incorrectly.
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