PayHero Shift is being retired from 28th February 2025. For companies already using Shift, see how to make the switch to Droppah here: PayHero Shift - Migrating to Droppah
For companies looking to get started with a photo time clock, you can see how to integrate Droppah and PayHero here: Getting Started with Droppah from PayHero
PayHero's Shift app allows your employees to clock in and out to record their shift times and unpaid breaks. See Paid & Unpaid Breaks for turning on automated paid breaks. To use PayHero Shift you'll first need to set up Teams and add employees to those Teams. You can learn more about creating a team in our article here: Teams.
Once set up, the settings on your Teams will determine the way PayHero Shift works. Understanding these settings is important for using Shift to best suit your timesheet and payroll needs. This article is broken down into the following sections:
Manager Access - How to set Manager access & log in to Shift.
Who Can Clock In? - How the selected Team changes which employees can clock in and out of Shift.
Which Work Will Be Used? - Explains how the selected Team and its associated settings will determine the Work your employees' time is recorded against when they clock in and out.
Manager Access
To use PayHero Shift, a manager with PayHero access is required. You can learn how to set up and invite managers here: Team Managers
Once your manager has been set up and accepted their invite, they're ready to log into Shift
Shift is entirely web-based and can be accessed through a range of browsers and tablets at Log in using your Manager account login details.
If you've been invited to have access to PayHero, make sure you've accepted the invite before trying to log in. Learn more here: Accepting a PayHero Invite
Who Can Clock In?
Once a Manager has logged into Shift, the default setting is to show All Employees related to that Manager. You can then choose whether to select an individual Team instead, to further restrict which employees are able to clock in.
All Employees - This will allow any employees belonging to Teams managed by the logged in Manager to clock in.
Individual Team - Only members of the selected Team will be able to clock into Shift.
Changing Between Teams
To change between Teams, tap on the logo in the top right of the screen. This will bring up the menu and the currently selected Team will be displayed at the top in grey. Tap on the grey bar to bring up the Select Team list.
From the Select Team list tap on the Team you want to use in Shift. The currently selected option will be displayed in grey.
Which Work Will Be Used?
All time entries recorded in PayHero are recorded against Work. When an employee clocks in and out of Shift, PayHero will use a number of rules to determine which Work their time entry should be recorded against.
Team Settings
By default, time entries recorded by an employee will use the Default Work set under their Team details. If an employee has the Override Default Work checkbox selected, the Work chosen in the drop-down list will be used instead.
Employee Settings
On each employee's Employment tab you can view and edit their Primary Team. For employees with multiple Teams, this setting is important for determining which Team's default work settings will be used.
Selected Team
In Shift the selected Team, as well as the settings on the Team and employee record, will determine which Work the time entry is recorded against.
All Employees - When All Employees is selected, the default work from the employee's primary team will be used. If Override Default Work is selected for that employee in their primary team, that Work will be used instead.
Individual Team - When an individual team is selected (see the Selecting a Team section above), the default work set on the Team will be used, regardless of the employee's primary team. If Override Default Work is selected for that employee in the selected team, that Work will be used instead.
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