You can view a summary of all payments arising from a pay, to both employees and other recipients, in the Bank Payment Summary report. This report reflects the payments that would be included if you use one of our payment methods to pay your employees.
If your company has the Include Tax in Bank Batch setting turned on in your Company Settings, this file will also include PAYE payments to IRD.
To download the report, go to Payroll > Sent, tick the pay you're interested in, and select Reports > Bank Payment Summary from the button in the top right.
A PDF copy of the report will be downloaded to the default download location for your browser.
This report will display each recipient, their bank account, any references, and the amount of the payment.
Any recipients who are unable to be paid due to a missing bank account will be listed under 'Recipients with no Account'.
If you wish to update the bank account for a recipient and include them in the batch, you would need to update their bank account and update the selected pay by marking it as draft, removing the affected employee(s), and adding them back into the pay as shown in this support article: Fixing a Mistake in a Sent Pay.
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