What's New
Leave Balances - From the Leave page, employees can now easily view their leave balances by tapping on the information icon in the top right. These include Sick & Alternative Leave as well as Current Leave Due and Estimated Leave in Advance.
Payslips - A new Payslips menu option now enables employees to view their previous payslip Earnings, Deductions etc. whenever they like. This also includes the ability to download their entire payslip directly.
Refresh - You can now 'Pull Down' from within the app to refresh the mobile portal.
Improvements & Fixes
Recording Time Against Work - If only one Work exists in your PayHero company you will no longer be prompted to select Work as it will record time against the only existing work by default. Changes have also been made in order to prevent work with no associated pay items from recording time entries.
Leave Requests - Requests starting in one month and ending in another can now be seen across both calendar months.
Time Entries - Time Entries that span over two days are now able to be edited via the mobile app.
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