To process a pay run in PayHero head to the Payroll tab and take the following steps:
On the Review tab use the drop-down list in the top left to select the Pay Cycle you wish to run a pay for. The Review screen will show an overview of the totals and employees that will be included in the pay run, to help you ensure you're ready to run your pay.
Learn more about the details that will be displayed on the Review tab here: Payroll Review
When you're happy with the details you've reviewed, click Create Draft Pay. A confirmation window will confirm the pay has been created; click View Draft Pay to go to the new draft.
The draft pay will show a summary of the details for the pay, and the earnings, deductions, superannuation contribution, taxes, and take home pay for each employee. You're able to edit the Pay Date on the pay (if required) by clicking on it - this should reflect the date you will be processing payment from your bank account.
The button in the top right also offers a number of options for the pay:
Mark as Sent - Marking a pay as sent moves it to the Sent folder without emailing payslips or sending details to Xero or IRD.
Download Pay Report - Download a PDF pay report with a breakdown of the Pay Period.
Download Payslips - Download PDF copies of your employee payslips.
Email Payslips - Email your employees their payslips (Note: Payslips are automatically emailed when the pay is sent, this option is for if you wish to email payslips before sending the pay).
Remove Zero Pays - Removes all employees from the pay who have a total of zero.
Delete Pay - Deletes the draft pay. You can then recreate the draft pay as needed.
You can click on an employee's name to edit their pay. Check over the pay details for your employees and make any amendments if necessary. Learn more on editing pays here: Editing an Employee's Pay
If there are any warnings for the pay these will be visible as yellow or red warning icons.
Hover your mouse cursor over the warning for details of the issue - it's best to resolve errors before processing a pay run. Learn more here: Pay Warnings & Errors
Send Pay
When you're happy with the details in the Draft pay you're ready to send your pay. Click the green Send Pay button at the bottom right corner of the pay run.
You'll be presented with an overview of which actions will be taken and you'll need to confirm that you wish to send the pay.
Sent pays appear in the Sent tab, grouped by month based on the Pay Date of the pay.
Pay Employees
Once the pay has been sent, you'll need to process payment to your employees. How that works will depend on the payment method you've selected for your company.
You can learn about the different options for paying your employees from PayHero here: How do I pay my employees?
Frequently Asked Questions
While a pay is still in the draft stage, you can click the Pay Date to change it:
However, if the pay has previously been sent and processed to IRD, it will no longer be possible to change the pay date, as IRD don't accept date changes. In many cases, an incorrect pay date won't have any impact and can be left as is. Otherwise, if you do need to change the date, you will need to completely delete and recreate the pay.
The pay period for a pay is controlled by your pay cycle. Your pay cycle will automatically roll forward each time you process a pay, so this should usually be correct.
If you've skipped a pay period, you can delete your pay cycle and create a new one via Manage > Pay Cycles. Learn more about managing pay cycles here: Pay Cycles
Alternatively, if your pay cycle dates are correct and you simply need to process an additional pay outside of the usual pay date, you can create a one off pay. Learn more here: One Off Pays
For information on processing a final pay, view our Final Pay support article.
If you need to make changes to any of the details in the draft pay, see our article: Editing an Employee's Pay
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