Pay cycles determine groups of employees to be paid at the same time, each pay period. When Processing a Pay Run you can create one draft pay per pay cycle. Once the pay has been sent, your pay cycle will automatically adjust to cover the following pay period. Your PayHero account can have as many different pay cycles as needed and can be found under Manage > Pay Cycles.
Creating a New Pay Cycle
Click the green button to create a new pay cycle. You can then select a pay frequency of either weekly, fortnightly, four weekly, or monthly.
After selecting the frequency you will have the following fields to fill out:
Pay Cycle Name - Set a name for the pay cycle, ensure this will distinguish it from other pay cycles.
Pay Frequency - This will be the frequency you initially selected but can be changed to weekly, fortnightly, four weekly, or monthly.
Next Pay Period - The start of the pay cycle's first pay period. Click on the blue start date and select the appropriate date, the end date will then be automatically set based on the pay frequency.
Next Pay Day - The day of the week that payment will be made on. This will set a default 'Next Pay Date' for the pay cycle which can be overridden during the draft pay stage if needed.
Click Save to save the pay cycle.
Adding Employees to a Pay Cycle
Once the pay cycle has been saved you can then begin adding employees to it. This can be done directly from the Manage > Pay Cycles screen by clicking on the green button in the bottom left and selecting an employee's name.
The list of employees you can add to a pay cycle will be made up of anyone who isn't already in a pay cycle. Employees can only be included in one pay cycle at any time.
To remove an employee from a pay cycle click the X on the right hand side of their name, or to delete a pay cycle altogether, click the trash can button in the bottom right. Removing an employee or deleting a pay cycle will allow the employees to be added into other pay cycles.
Alternatively, you can also add an employee into a pay cycle through the employee's Employment tab under People > Employees.
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