With PayHero's IRD integration, processing and tracking your tax payments has never been easier.
PayHero has two sections within the Tax tab - Unpaid Tax and Paid Tax.
Taxes for sent pays will appear in the Unpaid Tax tab if:
- Your account is not set to Include Tax in Bank Batch Files in your Company Settings - all tax payments will therefore wait in the Unpaid Tax tab for you to process them.
- The pay was adjusted and there is a tax difference requiring your attention - see below for more details.
Tax payments will remain in the Unpaid Tax section until you mark them as paid.
Clicking on a tax month will expand the month to show all pays falling in that tax period.
Each of these pays will have a status for their filing with the IRD, as well as the details for that pay. You can find more details on submission statuses and how to resubmit files to IRD in this support article.
You can click into each individual pay from here to view the full tax details for each employee for the pay.
Paying Tax
When you're ready to make the tax payments for a month you have a couple of options.
Manual Payments - Use the Total To Pay value for the month and pay the IRD as you would usually. You can then tick the tax period and select Mark as Paid from the button to move the tax period to the Paid tab.
Bank Batch Files - If you select the checkbox on the tax month and then click the button on the right you will have the option to Download Bank Batch. This can then be uploaded to your bank's website to pay the IRD. You can then select the Mark as Paid option to move the tax period to the Paid tab. Learn more about Bank Batch Files in our support article.
Tax Warnings
The following are the possible warnings you may see for a particular tax period on the Unpaid Tax screen.
The tax month will display red if the Tax Payment is Overdue
The tax month will display yellow on the month the Tax Payment is Due
Hover your mouse over a warning icon for more details.
Paying & Filing Amendments
If a tax payment has been either manually Marked as Paid or if the tax was included in Bank Batch Files and a change is made to the pay, the PAYE amount owing will change. The adjusted taxes will then be moved back from Paid Tax into Unpaid Tax with an attached warning flag.
By clicking into the amended pay cycle you'll see some additional warning details. These include the tax amount that was previously owed as well as the amount the total has now either increased or decreased by.
- If the tax payment has increased this is the additional amount that will need to be paid to the IRD.
- If the tax payment has decreased the IRD will be able to allocate the overpaid amount as a credit against a subsequent tax payment. If you wish to have the credit allocated to a different tax type or period you may need to contact the IRD to arrange this.
If you need to resubmit the pay details to IRD you can do so by clicking the button in the top right and selecting the Resubmit to the IRD option. You can now Mark as Paid for the tax month if there are no other outstanding amounts.
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