What's New
Minimum Wage Top Up - Added the ability to create a pay item that calculates the hourly rate for salaried employees. If the hourly rate is less than minimum wage it will automatically apply a top-up to their pay to meet minimum wage requirements. To have this made available in your company, please contact support at support@payhero.co.nz.
BCTI Payslips - You're now able to produce Buyer Created Tax Invoices instead of payslips for eligible GST registered contractors in PayHero. See our support article here: Employment Details for how to change the template.
Paid Shift Breaks - Added functionality to apply paid breaks through PayHero Shift. This is currently a background setting that you're able to have switched on by contacting support at support@payhero.co.nz.
Admin Access - Accepting Administrator access for a user that already has employee access will no longer cause errors.
Date Formatting - Years can now be entered into date fields as 2 digits, for example, '90' for '1990'.
Employee Access - Employees attempting to log in to payhero.app will now be re-directed to the employee portal.
Migration - General improvements to the FlexiTime migration process for increased accuracy in automated setting of employee details.
Reinstating Employees - General improvements around Reinstating Finished Employees; now requires less manual input and provides increased clarity around what the reinstatement process does.
Xero Tracking - Earnings type Pay Items in PayHero can now be associated with a Liability type Xero account code. See Xero Settings for more details on the Xero integration.
Employee Invitation - Accepting an employee access invite through a mobile device will no longer incorrectly direct employees to the login screen.
Changing Work Patterns - Moving an employee from a salary to an hourly wage with 'No regular Week' will no longer ask users to set a work pattern.
Create Company - Updated the layout of the 'Create Company' page to prevent display issues on smaller screens.
Mobile App - Being unable to navigate back into the 'Time' section will no longer occur after viewing a different page.
Pay Items - Fixed certain pay item fields that would reset upon saving.
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