What's New
Default Break Durations for Shift & Mobile - Time entries recorded through PayHero Shift or the Mobile App Start/Stop clock will now use the default break duration set on the work. The default break will only be used when a break isn't recorded through Shift or Mobile itself. See our support articles: Using PayHero Shift & Employee Mobile App for more details on how breaks will be applied.
Unit Based Work automates 'Work Days' - PayHero will now set the 'Work Days' field in draft pays automatically based on which calendar days have 'unit' based work recorded on them in the pay period.
'Per Day Worked' Deduction Rate - Deductions can now be applied on a 'Per Day' basis.
Bank Account Number Validation - Improvements have been made to the bank account number validation process to prevent additional invalid characters from being entered.
'Remove Zero Pays' - The 'Remove Zero Pay' function from both Payroll > Review and Payroll > Draft will no longer cause employees on unpaid leave to incorrectly be included as a 'zero pay' employee and removed.
Provincial Anniversaries (Patched 12/03/20) - Multiple teams using the same provincial anniversary no longer cause double up public holiday pay lines.
Holidays Paid in Advance (Patched 26/03/20) - Corrected an issue causing Holiday Paid in Advance deductions to have negative Holiday Pay calculated on them in a Final Pay.
Part Day Leave Requests - Fixed a bug which would prevent part-day leave requests from being requested through the employee Mobile App.
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