What's New
Payroll AutoPilot - AutoPilot is now available to use in all PayHero companies. Allow AutoPilot to take care of creating your draft pay on pay day and be guided through your pay run in a few easy steps over email. For further information on activating AutoPilot and to learn more, please see our support article: Payroll AutoPilot.
Timesheet Imports - Time entries are now able to be imported directly into PayHero from a .csv file. For formatting details and steps on the import process see: Timesheet Imports.
Pay Now (BETA) - Pay Now enables you to make payment to staff at the same time you send a pay in PayHero via an online Account to Account POLi payment. Please note, this feature is currently in a Beta stage and if you're interested in finding out more or having this made active in your PayHero company, please contact us through support@payhero.co.nz.
Login Access - Changes to the PayHero login system makes the process even simpler. Regardless of whether you're an Owner, Admin or an Employee in a PayHero company you are now able to login through login.payhero.app on your device's web browser. You will be re-directed to either the Mobile App, Employee Portal or PayHero.app depending on the user credentials and device screen size.
Zero Pay Employees (Patched 23/04/20) - Corrected an issue causing the 'Remove Zero Pays' function not to apply through Payroll > Draft.
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