What's New
CitiBank Bank Batch Files - CitiBank Bank Account Numbers are now a supported file format when Making Payments with Bank Batch Files.
Buyer Created Tax Invoices (BCTI's)
- Now display the supplier as well as recipient GST numbers and addresses.
- BCTI's downloaded through PayHero now reflect the point-in-time detail from when the BCTI was first generated for Tax Rate, Recipient Name, Supplier Trading Name or Display Name, Supplier Address, Supplier Email Address, Supplier Bank Account.
Please note: the historical Tax Rate will now show on historical BCTIs if freshly downloaded, but all other data wasn't previously stored on BCTIs so will show information based on current details instead.
Final Pay Holiday Pay Calculations (Patched 24/11/20) - Annual Leave Taken in Advance totals in a Final Pay will no longer reduce employee gross earnings prior to the final holiday pay entitlement calculations.
Error Messages - More descriptive error messages have been added to the PayHero login page, where appropriate.
Insights Reporting - Improved handling of various reporting filters.
Upcoming Notifications - The 'Upcoming Notifications' section of the PayHero Dashboard will no longer display a notification if the date is in the past.
Request Leave in 'Hours' (Patched 23/11/20) - An 'Hours' field will no longer incorrectly display when staff with a 'Days' based work pattern request annual leave but will continue to show as 'Hours' for staff with a 'No Regular Days' work pattern.
Change Registered Email (Patched 03/12/20) - Corrected an issue which would prevent the changing of a log in email address.
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