Labels can be used across PayHero to assist with the organisation of both Employees and Insights reports. The use of labels allows for improved search-ability as well as providing additional information at a quick glance. Labels are a quick and easy way to categorise your PayHero info.
Creating Labels
To attach a label to an Insights report go to Insights, select the relevant report then click the Add Label drop down next to the report name. By default this will state 'No labels available'. To make your label, type in a label name, select the colour you want for the label, then click the button. The label will be added to the report. Make sure you also click the Save button in the top right to save your label.
Once you have created a label, it can be easily added into any other report by selecting the desired option from the Add Label drop-down list.
Searching Labels
After labels have been added to your reports they can be utilised for improved search-ability. In the example below, searching "Weekly" from the insights tab will now quickly display all reports with the "Weekly" label attached.
Removing Labels
If you wish to remove a label from a report go into the report under Insights and click the X on the right hand side of the label. As long as another report still has the same label attached it will remain available from the Add Label dropdown. To remove the label as an option entirely, delete it from every associated report.
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