You can view a summary of the total earnings across all employees through the Earnings Summary report.
To download the Earnings Summary report, navigate to People > Employees and select Reports > Earnings Summary from the button.
When prompted, select the date range you wish to report on the earnings for and click Continue. Pays will be included in the report based on the Pay Date falling within the selected date range.
A PDF copy of the report will be downloaded to the default download location for your browser. The report will break down the associated earnings within the chosen period by Team, as well as for each employee.
The figures included in the report are as follows:
Hours - The total hours included in pays for the selected period for the employee.
Days - The total work days specified for the employee for the selected period. Learn more here: What are Work Days?
Earnings ($) - The total value of earnings in the selected period for the employee.
Tax ($) - The total value of tax in the selected period for the employee. This includes PAYE and ACC deductions, and Withholding Tax for contractors.
Deductions ($) - The total value of deductions in the selected period for the employee.
Reimbursements($) - The total value of reimbursements in the selected period for the employee.
GST ($) - The total value of GST in the selected period for the employee. This will only apply for GST-registered contractors.
Payments ($) - The total value of payments in the selected period for the employee.
Superannuation ($) - The total value of superannuation amounts in the selected period for the employee. This is the total of employer contributions, less any ESCT.
ESCT ($) - The total value of Employer Superannuation Contributions Tax (ESCT) in the pay for the employee. You can learn more about ESCT here.
Note that only pays processed in PayHero will be included in this report. To include details from imported pays, refer to the Employee Earnings Summary Report.
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