While processing your pays, you may see alerts on the Draft Pay screen if there's an aspect of the pay that requires your attention. These alerts can be seen in the header of the pay, as well as next to the name of the affected employee. You can also download the Pay Summary Report to see a full list of all employee warnings for the pay.
Types of Alert
Error - This will be shown as a red icon and will prevent the pay from being sent. These errors are related to crucial issues with the pay that must be fixed in order to proceed.
Warning - These are displayed as a yellow icon and are intended to bring your attention to a particular aspect of the pay. They won't prevent the pay being sent, but may prevent expected functionality. You should check each warning before deciding whether to proceed with the pay.
Additional Detail
To see additional information on the alert you can either hover your cursor over an alert triangle or click into the Employee with the Warning/Error to see an explanation of what has caused the alert.
Alternatively, you can find a full list of warnings for your pay in the Pay Summary Report.
Errors will completely prevent a pay from being sent. The only error for PayHero pays is:
A valid number of Work Days are required for Employees being paid in a pay cycle.
To correct this error, you'll need to enter the number of days worked over the pay period by clicking into the affected employee from the draft pay and entering the value into the 'Work Days' field at the top. You can learn more about what counts as a Work Day here: What are Work Days?
The Work Days field will be automatically populated for any employees who have a detailed Employee Work Pattern in their Employment tab (sufficient that PayHero knows how many days per week the employee works), or who record timesheets. This means you can avoid this error by ensuring detailed work patterns are applied to your employees, or timesheets are entered for more variable employees.
Warnings won't stop the pay from being sent, but they are intended to prevent potential oversights or explain what's taken place in a pay. You should decide whether you wish to apply changes, or ignore the warning.
There may be a warning in the pay you are aware of, such as an employee exceeding their sick leave due. If you're happy to include this in the pay regardless, you can simply ignore the alert. Or, alternatively, click the 'x' on the warning banner to hide the details for the alert.
The warning icons will still exist next to the employee name and in the pay header.
Alternatively, if the warning can be fixed outside the pay, you can remove the employee from the pay and then add them back once the issue is fixed, in order to reload the pay without the warning.
Warning Definitions
The possible warnings which can appear in a pay include the following (click on a warning for more information):
This means the employee has a time entry on a public holiday, but PayHero has determined that the holiday was not an Otherwise Working Day for the employee, so didn't accrue an alternative day.
If you wish to apply an alternative day for the employee, you can manually add it to the pay, as seen in the 'Manually Specifying Public Holiday Entitlements' section of this support article: Public Holidays.
This warning notifies you that an employee taking Alternative Leave is exceeding the balance currently due to them.
If you're happy for them to take the leave in advance, and have their balance go into the negative until they accrue more (for example, if they are expected to work on a public holiday soon), you can simply ignore the warning.
This warning notifies you that an employee taking Annual Leave is exceeding the balance currently due to them. If you're happy for them to take the leave in advance, you can simply ignore the warning.
It's common practice for employers to allow employees to take leave before it becomes due, especially when the employee has enough Estimated Leave (often referred to as 'accrued' leave) to cover the time they're taking off. Learn more about annual leave balances and how to check an employee's leave due vs estimated here: Employees - Leave
This warning notifies you that an employee taking Sick Leave is exceeding the balance currently due to them.
If you're happy for them to take the leave in advance, and have their balance go into the negative until they accrue more at their next Sick Leave Anniversary, you can simply ignore the warning.
This warning notifies you that an employee taking Time Bank leave is exceeding the balance currently due to them.
If you're happy for them to take the leave in advance, and have their balance go into the negative until they accrue more, you can simply ignore the warning.
The employee has a Leave Request falling within the pay period, but none of the days within the leave request for this pay period were determined to be Otherwise Working Days.
This could indicate that the employee doesn't have enough information for PayHero to calculate their Otherwise Working Days. Ensure their Employee Work Pattern is set correctly and their recent timesheet history is correct.
If you feel that some of the leave should be paid, you can add it to the pay manually, as seen here: Processing Leave
This means the employee didn't work on a public holiday, and PayHero determined that the holiday was not an Otherwise Working Day for the employee, so didn't pay them for the day off.
If you wish to pay them for the day off anyway, simply add the Public Holiday pay line into their pay. You can see more on this in the 'Manually Specifying Public Holiday Entitlements' section of this support article: Public Holidays.
The pay contains a public holiday, but the employee was not paid for the day off due to their extended absence on Extended Unpaid Leave covering the pay period.
If you wish to pay them for the day off anyway, simply add the Public Holiday pay line into their pay. You can see more on this in the 'Manually Specifying Public Holiday Entitlements' section of this support article: Public Holidays.
The pay contains a public holiday, but the employee was not paid for the day off due to not meeting MBIE's requirements for continuous employment. This warning will only appear if your company has this setting enabled: Automatic Extension of Holiday Anniversary
If you wish to pay them for the day off anyway, simply add the Public Holiday pay line into their pay. You can see more on this in the 'Manually Specifying Public Holiday Entitlements' section of this support article: Public Holidays.
The pay contains a public holiday, but the employee was not paid for the day off due to their extended absence on Parental Leave covering the pay period.
If you wish to pay them for the day off anyway, simply add the Public Holiday pay line into their pay. You can see more on this in the 'Manually Specifying Public Holiday Entitlements' section of this support article: Public Holidays.
The pay contains a public holiday, but the employee was not paid for the day off due to their absence on Unpaid Leave covering the pay period.
If you wish to pay them for the day off anyway, simply add the Public Holiday pay line into their pay. You can see more on this in the 'Manually Specifying Public Holiday Entitlements' section of this support article: Public Holidays.
The employee doesn't have a sufficient Work Pattern or timesheet history for PayHero to work out Otherwise Working Days. As a result, PayHero was unable to accurately determine their leave days and salary - you may need to manually adjust their leave days in the pay, and update their Salary hours accordingly (salary hours will become available to edit as soon as you make changes to the leave quantity).
Alternatively, if the employee should have a more detailed Employee Work Pattern set, you can remove them from the pay, update their Work Pattern, then add them back into the pay so that PayHero can calculate this accurately for you.
The employee is on Holiday Pay As You Go, but their Holiday Pay payment is not equal to 8% (or their Holiday Pay Rate if different) of their gross earnings for this pay. This may be expected if you're processing a catch up pay (see our Holiday Pay As You Go article for more info), but if not, it may indicate their holiday balances have been edited manually.
Check the employee's Holiday Leave History Report, and if you're not sure why this is happening, reach out to the team at support@payhero.co.nz.
A time credit has been entered and is being processed in this pay. The amount of the credit will be deducted from the employee's future pays to recoup the overpayment.
You can learn more about time credits here: Time Credits
A leave line in the pay has had the 'Weeks' set to 0. Weeks are required to accurately reduce the employee's balances. You'll need to set the number of Weeks of leave the employee is taking on the leave pay line, and click 'Apply' or 'Save' before processing the pay.
This error will usually only occur for leave added to the pay manually.
The pay contains a payment amount against the pay line 'Direct Credit', but the employee doesn't have a bank account in their settings. If you use one of our payment methods (see: How do I pay my employees?) to pay your employees, this employee would not receive payment.
To correct this, remove the employee from the draft pay, update their bank account in their employment details, then add them back into the draft pay. Even if you prefer to pay your employees manually, you can ensure they have a bank account set in PayHero to avoid this warning appearing.
A leave line in the pay has had the 'Days' set to 0. Days are required to accurately reduce the employee's balances. You'll need to set the number of Days of leave the employee is taking on the leave pay line, and click 'Apply' or 'Save' before processing the pay.
This error will usually only occur for leave added to the pay manually, or leave requests where PayHero has been unable to determine Otherwise Working Days for the employee.
The employee has Unpaid Leave of more than a week, which is being processed as Extended Unpaid Leave, and will push out their next holiday anniversary accordingly. This means the employee's 4 weeks of leave will fall due a little later, to account for the fact that were on an extended period of unpaid leave during the year.
If you'd like the employee's anniversary to remain unchanged instead, you can simply remove the Extended Unpaid Leave pay line from the draft pay.
Learn more about Extended Unpaid Leave here: Unpaid Leave
The employee's holiday anniversary will be pushed out by the duration of the pay period, as they haven't met MBIE's requirements for continuous employment.
This warning will only appear if your company has this setting enabled: Automatic Extension of Holiday Anniversary
The employee has a leave request which falls in the pay period, but which was not approved at the time the draft pay was created.
To correct this, remove the employee from the draft pay, approve (or decline) their leave request, and add the employee back into the draft.
The employee has timesheet entries on a day that also includes a leave request.
This may be correct if the employee took a half day of leave and worked half a day, but it's important to check the employee hasn't recorded hours worked when they were actually on leave.
The employee has time entered which falls in the pay period, but which was not approved at the time the draft pay was created. This warning will only appear for companies using time approvals, as seen here: Timesheet Approval
To correct this, remove the employee from the draft pay, approve their time, and add the employee back into the draft.
The employee's sick anniversary will be pushed out by the duration of the pay period, as they haven't met MBIE's requirements for continuous employment.
This warning will only appear if your company has enabled this setting: Automatic Extension of Sick Anniversary
The employee has workflows which have not yet been submitted by the employee and/or approved by an administrator. Learn more about managing workflows here: Workflows
If the workflow contains employment details which will populate the employee’s record, it’s a good idea to ensure the workflow is completed before paying the employee. In this case, you can:
- Remove the employee from the draft pay
- Have the employee complete and submit the workflow(s), if they haven’t yet
- Approve the workflow(s)
- Alternatively, you can manually update the employee’s details on their record via People > Employees if the workflow can’t be completed
- Add the employee back into the draft pay
If the pending workflow(s) don’t contain information you’re waiting on for payroll, you can ignore this warning.
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