Work is used when recording employee time - every timesheet entry must specify the work it relates to.
Some companies may have only one work option, which all employees record their hours against. Other companies might use many different work options, for their employees to record time spent working in different areas of the business, against different cost centres, on various projects or jobs, or in different roles.
The main reasons you might set up different work options in PayHero are if your employees perform different duties or types of work, which are either paid at different pay rates, or which you'd like to report on.
You can view and create different work under Manage > Work.
Default Work is the standard work setup by default in your PayHero account. Employees with time recorded against Default Work will be paid Ordinary Time at the employee's Normal Rate (except on Public Holidays, when they'll be paid Time and a Half if they record time).
Creating Work
Click the green icon to create new work.
Enter the following details for your new work:
Work Name - This name will appear when recording time. Ensure the name sufficiently identifies what the work is for and differentiates it from any other types of work you may have.
Timesheet Pay Item - Select the Pay Item this type of work is to be paid against. You can choose from the default options (e.g. Ordinary Time, Second Pay Rate) or a custom pay item you have created.
Public Holiday Pay Item - Select the Pay Item this type of work is to be paid against if the time entry falls on a public holiday, e.g. Time and a Half, or use a custom time and a half pay item if this work is not based on the employee's normal pay rate.
Expense Pay Item - Select an expense reimbursement Pay Item for this work to be recorded against, if you want employees recording expenses for this work at all. You can find more information in our Expenses support article.
Timesheets Colour - Select the colour for the Work. This will display on time entries in the Time Summary.
Default Hours - Tick Has Default Hours if you'd like to set a common start and end time for the work. You can also enter a default break duration. When new time is added for that work, it will automatically apply these hours, though they can still be adjusted. You can also set up Strict Clock Times under this setting - learn more here: Strict Clock Times
To remove work you no longer need, open the work and click Archive in the bottom right corner.
To view archived work click on the menu icon on the right hand side of the Work list. Select Show Archived Work and archived work will be displayed - the grey archive icon indicates which work is archived.
To restore archived work, open the work and click Restore in the top right hand corner.
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